Wednesday, October 26, 2016

SCUD Trash Fly style with Rubber Hair Bands

As many of your are aware lots of places we fish have great scud populations. Trout love to eat them. They reside in tail waters. One of my personal favorite spots to drown a bug.

Well I was standing in line at a local little store buying supplies for another little experiment. That one was more teaching related so I'll not share here at this time. As I waited my turn I noticed this rack of hair rubber bands in a wide range of color. Flexible and thin rubber. So my mind ran to scuds and there shell back. Oh well that isn't weird for me. Got a pack or two. Cheap $1 for 500. Note you can make two or three per band. So lifetime supply. Also they come in clear and black.

In my favorite tail water the ________ _________ in  ___________ purple seems to get a favored response.  The actual shrimp alive in more of a mahogany. Dead washed out pink or orange,

Here's what came out of my find. 

Hook #12 Scud TMC 2457
Tail Grouse Hackle Fluff
Body Hairline Nymph Olive
Back Rubber Hair Band
Rib Fine Copper Wire

Step 1
Place a scud hook in your vise.
Step 2
Thread the hook

Step 3 
Tie in the tailing materials. I used grouse from the Trash bag left from tying Kembari patterns earlier.

Step 4
Tie in shell back (Rubber Hair Band)

Step 5 
Dub the hook.

Step 6
Pull shell forward. Tie down.

Step 7
Rib with the wire. Tie down.

Step 8
Add a drop of glue. (Your Choice)

Step 9 
Use a dubbing pick to pull out the dub to create legs for your scud.

Hope it gets you a few fish. Maybe saves you some coin. Even just lets you chuckle at how wierd my mind is :)

Stay Clever and Trashy My Friends.

Dedicated to my son, Bailey. I Love You.

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