Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dubbing dispenser on the cheap

OK. You have sunken further than some in the realm of fly tying than you likely want admit. Your making your own dubbing correct? Blending fur and fiber or lord knows what. You want to use your bounty but you haven't a good way to store or dispense it at the vise. Well here's your answer.
Simply get a small beaders container at the craft sore or 'Wal Mart'. Costs $1.75 per.
Drill a hole in the bottom of each cell. Drill to size that suits you. Maybe 1/4"?
Load her up and to the bench you go. Simple as that.

Dedicate to my son. I love you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Glass Bead Caddis Pupae

This is about as easy a Caddis Pupae as you can make. Glass Caddis,
String 4 or 5 glass beads from the craft or jewelry supply store on a hook.

Put a few wraps of thread behind the beads and a drop of Super glue.

It catches fish like no other. Don't take them out of the fishes mouth rough or you'll break the beads.

Dedicate to my son. I love you.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Fly Tying Weekend in Townsend Tn.

I had a great time at the show and spending the weekend there with my son. Got to catch up with a lot of friends and spend time observing some great tyers.

I demonstrated: The Church Lady, The Hair Band Scud, and several versions of the Potato Chip bag nymphs.

My helper

Dedicated to my son I love you.