Hook: Tiemco 200R #8
Tail, legs, antenna: Round rubber legs
Abdomen: Black Stretch Magic woven over home blended poly-pro. yarn ground into dubbing (black, purple, and yellow)
Wing-case: Turkey tail fiber
Thorax:blended poly-pro. yarn ground into dubbing (black, purple, and yellow)
Hook: Tiemco 200R #6
Tail, Legs, Antenna: Biots black
Abdomen: Dubbing under Nymph Skin Black, rib Stretch Magic black
Wing-case: Turkey tail fiber
Thorax:blended poly-pro. yarn ground into dubbing (black, purple, and yellow)
To make your own dubbing and unique dubbing blends there is some simple steps. A coffee or spice grinder is needed. They sell them pretty cheap at big box store like W-. The yarn is simply $2.00 a skein knitting yarn. Comes in a rainbow of color options. Just remember the color wheel from grade school and start mixing. Usually for my grinder cut 3 pieces of yarn about 12" long. Then cut them into segments about 1/4" long. Pulse the grinder. Remember to right down what you blended so if you get a killer color you can go back and repeat it.
Quite impressive.