Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fish Caught on a Fly

1 Rainbow Trout
2 Brown Trout
3 Eastern Brook Trout
4 Appilicahian Brook Trout
5 LargeMouth Bass
6 Smallmouth Bass
7 Red Eye Bass
8 Bluegill
9 Yellow Brest
10 Pumpkin Seed
11 Carp
12 Sea Trout
13 Flounder
14 Bluefish
15 Spot
16 Croaker
17 Pinfish
18 Redfish
19 Blacktip Shark
20 Sharp Noise Shark
21 White Sucker
22 Hog Sucker
23 Horny Head Chub
24 Warpaint Minnow
25 Common Chub
26 Channel Catfish
27 White Crappie
28 Hound Fish (Saltwater Gar)
29 Almaco Jack (Bouy Jack)
30 Herring
31 Greater Amber Jack
32 Flathead Catfish (Mud Cat)
33 Blue Backed Herring
34 Grass Carp
35 Tilapia
36 Sauger
37 White Bass
38 Tennessee Shad

two not sures
Rainbow colored trout with red slashes
Trout silver and black no other color

Monday, November 2, 2009

Denier compared to '0' aught sizes

I had been wondering about the idea of flytying thread sizes and how they are measured. Here's conversion chart that Wapsi had avaliable. Maybe I'm the only one who wasn't clear on this?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Gadget for Mono Eyes

Bass in my opinion will eat a dragon or damsel fly better, dry or nymph if it has eyes. This is based on many hours of casting foam dragon flies to pond bass and watching there action. Began using store bought mono eyes for these patterns based on the success rates.

Mono eyes cost and aren't in ever flyshop around.

You can melt line and make eyes. Started that and did ok. Seemed to take a lot of time and always resulted in burnt finger flesh.

A fixture to hold mono ( feed trimmer string ) and shape it as it's heated.

Sketches and prototype coming soon.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Multi-Vise Base

Decided that the two odd sized vises were gonna be a major problem I bought two more simple vises. That equaled the height of each station out.

The idea is mostly for Buggers and such flies I usually use or give away a lot.

Did my first test of four. Laid out my materials and tool on the base of the 'carousel'. (Remember I went to school to be a Mfg Engineer.) Started each step four times in turn. Surprising it went smoothly and quickly. Henry Ford might have just had something with that assembly line gimmick

I've done a dozen with it in 3 sets. Not all at once. I can't sit that long.

I doubt it will be all that great for dries with hackle, new patterns, or overly complicated patterns. Still like my rotary.

See potential for flies that have glue, lacquer, or UV adhesive that need cure times between steps.

Been thinking about this for awhile. Did several elaborate drawing. All of which would have made buying one probably cheaper.

Today I remembered two things KIS (Keep It Simple) and William of Ockham- All things being equal the simplest solution is usually the right one.

As of right now all that I have invested is time and some odds and ends I already had on hand. Probably gonna buy some set screws that match and figure a locking pin for each position. Still almost nothing spent. Cheap is good.

Tomorrow I'll test it out.