Thursday, December 30, 2010

Some yarn and fur intel.

Yesterday I had the chance to visit:

Friends & FiberWorks

Your Community Yarn Shoppe and Learning Center

In the Biltmore square mall. They have a big selection of yarn for knitting. Now we all know that's not why I was there. I was on the scrounge for tying materials. They have 'felting' supplies. Now I haven't a clue what this craft really is but they use fur in it's loose form to make it. That for me was a good thing. I bought two bags of dubbing in lite and dark gray. $2 a bag. Big bag! They also had very fine flash in gold and silver. $3 a bag. Now I have enough Adams material to tie from here on out. The flash I added to the chopped yarn I have been experimenting with. I have a Hellgramite black with gold flash made up.

I strongly suggest that sometimes a trip into the yarn shop will get you more than odd looks. These folks have excellent customer service and are very helpful.

1 comment:

  1. You sire are the Fred Sanford of fly tying. I am heading to the yarn shop to do the same thing as soon as I get off the mountain.
